The gum of babool is also a potent emollient, expectorant, detoxifier, aphrodisiac, and antipyretic in nature.
Babool is a great source of vital nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. The treasure trove of nutrients in babool includes iron, manganese, protein, zinc, and essential amino acids including valine, histidine, isoleucine, threonine, lysine, and leucine.
Babool tree is widely used to manufacture toothpaste, ensuring healthy gums and teeth. Acacia arabica promotes oral care and also battles against dental caries and gum.
Gum Acacia Gound / Dink is indeed a super-food. Rich in Fiber and an excellent health rejuvenator Gond katira keeps the body cool and eases you from having heat strokes.
Majorly used as the Datun for cleaning the teeth and regular use of this facilitates in strengthening gums, and teeth and reducing plaque and inflammation. It is also called by other names such as gum Arabic tree, babul kikar, Egyptian thorn, Sant tree, and prickly acacia.