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What are the benefits of using Havintha Reetha?
Used in traditional medicine for treating skin conditions and as a remedy for various ailments
Can Reetha be used on colored hair?
Yes, Reetha is mild and can be used on colored hair. However, it’s always a good idea to do a patch test to ensure it doesn’t strip the color
Is Reetha safe for everyone?
Generally, Reetha is safe for most people. However, if you have sensitive skin or scalp, do a patch test to ensure there’s no allergic reaction
How do you use Havintha Reetha for hair care?
Havintha Reetha rinse by soaking the pods in water overnight and using the liquid to rinse your hair
Does Reetha have any side effects?
While Reetha is generally safe, some people may experience dryness or irritation if used too frequently. If you notice any adverse effects, reduce usage or mix it with moisturizing ingredients like aloe vera or coconut oil