Top 10 Habits That Promote Stronger, Longer Hair

Top 10 Habits That Promote Stronger, Longer Hair

Everyone wants healthy, longer and stronger hair. To maintain such hair you need to take care of them through some hair care routine like washing, oiling, taking nutritious diet, lower stress levels etc. The most important top 10 healthy habits that everyone should apply are here as follows:

1) Oiling hair for nourishment:

Oiling hair 1 or 2 hours before head wash or a night before can give you better results and nourishment to hair instead of keeping oily hair.

The reason behind that the oily hair for more time will give an exposure to dust and dirt that may increase the hair fall.

You must use herbal hair oil for better results because due to all natural ingredients there is no side effect at all.

2) Do not overwash:

You must wash your hair regularly. The scalp must be clean and healthy for better hair health.

Overwashing can dry out the hairs by stripping out the natural oils from hair making them more brittle leading to hair fall and breakage of hair and makes the hair look more frizzy and damaged.

Switching to herbal shampoo can help you in maintaining moisture and nourishment in the hair.

Still how often you should wash your hair depends on the type of your hair and also how much they are exposed to the outer environment:

For oily hair: Oily hair attracts the outer dirt most often so the scalp should be cleansed every 1 to 2 days depending upon the situation.

Normal type hair: Such kinds of hair are neither too oily nor too dry. But they are also required to do hair wash at least every 3 to 4 days.

For dry hair: In the case of dry hairs, washing hair once a week is enough. Overwashing can make hairs too dry.

3) Do not use harsh products on hair:

Using harsh products like sulphates, parabens and other chemical containing products can cause scalp irritation and many other scalp discomfort along with hairfall and unhealthy scalp that may include itchiness, dandruff, infection and skin sensations.

Switching to healthy and herbal hair care products like natural shampoo can be a better option to keep your hair healthy and scalp nourished. Some of the benefits of switching to herbal hair care products are:

  • Reduced scalp irritation
  • Reduced hair damage
  • No side effects
  • Better hair health

4) Regularly trim your hair:

In Spite of the myth that after cutting hairs do not grow faster, trimming must be done regularly to remove split ends and lower damaged length so that the hair remains strong from root to tip.

The frequency of trimming must be at least 6 to 8 weeks.

5) Avoid using of heat styling tools at its maximum:

Heat styling tools can easily come up with beautiful hair styles but they have many challenges too. Over usage of heat styling tools can cause:

Dryness: Excessive styling can stripe away the natural oils of the hairs leaving them dull and dry.

Breakage: Over dryness due to heat styling can make hair more brittle causing breakage of hair.

Colour fading: Over heat styling can cause fading of the coloured hair damaging them and making them look more frizzy and dry.

You should avoid the use of heat styling tools. If it is very necessary then you should opt for heat styling tools after using heat protectant spray or setting the heat to cool otherwise try to switch your hairstyle to heatless.

6) Give longer gap between colourants:

There must be a longer gap between colour touch ups every time. Applying colours more often can lead the hairs to:

Dryness: Frequent colouring can make hair more drying due to chemicals and the heat damage.

Breakage: The hair becomes prone to breakage after exposure to colouring agents.

Scalp irritation: More exposure to chemicals can irritate the skin of the scalp resulting in various kinds of hair damage.

You can switch to herbal hair dyes that will not give you any side effects but will make your hair more soft, shiny, manageable and healthy.

7) Be calm and loving on your wet hair:

Be gentle when you are having your wet hair to handle. You should do this:

  • Use a microfiber towel to pat dry the hair.
  • Do not rub the hair strands, that will cause hair breakage.
  • Use a wide toothed comb while detangling the hair.
  • Always detangle the hair when they are about 80% air dry.

When hair is wet it is easily broken. That's why handling them with care is important. Never run your fingers in wet hair.

It will cause hair fall. These are the things we should keep in mind while handling wet hair.

8) Have a healthy diet:

Our hairs are made up of protein so nourishment through the outer side is not enough for them to grow stronger and more healthier.

Their health also depends on our diet. If we are not having good food enough, a balanced diet is not in the regular routine then it will affect the hair health also.

Because you have good food that is healthy for your hair also, that will be more helpful for the outer topical applications to work better for you.

9) Lower your stress levels:

In this era of continuous harsh life, stress is very normal to everyone.

But it becomes abnormal for us when it causes hair fall.

It causes the release of cortisol which causes the hair to reach the telogen phase prematurely.

10) Condition your hair with natural products:

Conditioning must be a part of your hair care routine.

Chemical conditioners can be very harsh on hair.

Instead of that you should try some natural and organic conditioners that will be chemical free with no side effects and very gentle for your hair health.

Using natural and sulphate, paraben free products like herbal shampoo, herbal conditioner, hair growth serum and herbal hair growth oil can add extra strongness to your hair.

You should switch to natural products with Havintha’s special powdered herbal shampoo and hair oil.

This will help you to grow your hair naturally and stronger.

A balanced diet also plays an important role while providing strongness to the hair.

So having a balanced diet, nourishing hair and taking care of them will make your hair stronger and healthier.

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