Why Havintha?

  • Unbeatable Quality

    We source directly from top-rated growers, ensuring you receive high-quality products at the best prices.

  • Safe & Sustainable

    Our products contain all-natural, sustainably sourced ingredients. They are free from synthetic fragrance and preservatives.

  • All The Help You Need

    Real assistance available for all queries, with easy shipping. Our products cater to both men and women.


Tired of my hair fall, I tried the chemical-filled products available in the market, which were only making it worse. I had no other option but to find a natural solution for this problem which gave birth to the Brand Havintha.

Hello, I am Bharat Khatri and I started Brand Havintha to introduce the people about the ultimate care which nature has given to us. Starting from the marketplaces like Amazon and Flipkart, we are here at this step just because of the honest services of our Brand that is well proven by our customer reviews. Our motive is to connect people to the goodness of nature explained well by our principle, Our Truthness, Nature's Goodness.

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